The Barrel Home is a prehistoric dinosaur era cave man style theme camp. It consists of a large tent shade structure with one side open. It has a barrel in the middle, and decorated Flintstone style with leopard skin, and jungle vibe. Towards the back, there are Pillows and places to sit. On one side there will be a cave painting wall for people to make their mark on with sharpies. On the other side there will be a verbal history talking stick and time sand for visitors to tell their story. Some of these stories will be recorded and posted on this site in the story section.
Barrel Home Philosophy
A barrel is a spiritual construct. Individual pieces of wood fit together into one perfectly made vessel. When the piece fit together not a drop of the nectar inside will drip out. By looking to a barrel as an example for life we realize that we as individuals can fit together in harmony. We as a tribe strive to become one productive team serving a purpose that none could do without the others. If one piece of wood in the barrel is removed, its purpose cannot be served. The barrel thus is a symbol of the unique work made possible by our togetherness.