The event went really well!

The Barrel Home featured a verbal history talking stick and time sand for visitors to tell their story. Some of these stories have been recorded and posted on this site in the story section.
I have sketched out the Barrel Home sign with the logo.
We have a barrel.
The Barrel Car is a primitive vehicle from times past. Long long ago, when dinosaurs roamed the earth, ancient cavemen had to get around in man powered transportation using techniques recreated in the barrel car.
The Barrel Car consists of a barrel that has been merged with a a hand truck. It has a steering wheel and breaks for the driver who sits in the barrel. It has a race car seat in it, so it’s comfortable. It requires a 2nd person to push it. This requires teamwork, as the 2 people can rotate positions.
Unfortunately we will not have the barrel car, due to funding shortage, transportation cost, and lack of long term parking. If anyong is interested in sponsoring the barrel car, contact us.
We will have a pet dino.