is a collection of worthwhile quotes and links which are dynamically submitted by anyone who has wisdom to share. We welcome you to submit your favorite quote, or deepest wisdom.

I am the creator / moderator of the site. I use it all the time. The quotes are Epic!
It is a spiritual place which goal is to aid people in gaining a greater understanding of life. Link Lotus can also be set as your home page. If hand selected quotes of wisdom brighten your day, and enlighten your mind, then this is the place for you.
The Journeyman Project July 2007 Roadtrip to Northern California

I have collected some knowledge and talent during the past 2 and a half years in San Diego. There have been
many Successes and Failures.
Some Friends and some Foes.
Some Peace, and some Chaos.
I’ve come to the epiphany that I can achieve more if I found skilled partners to work with on a common goal. This is important in my social life, as well as my career. On this one-month journey, I plan meetup with old friends, meet new people, as well as search for skilled web development and multimedia partners. I plan to do freelance web development work, while couch surfing, camping, staying in hostels and visiting friends and family.
I have named this road trip the Journeyman Project, because a Journeyman is the rank between apprentice, and master. A journeyman often travels and works freelance while further developing their skills. When a journeyman successfully runs a business or professional service, he becomes a master.
I will post more about my trip here in the comments area as it happens.
Contact me if you have have questions, or want to meetup in Northern California.
Dreaming and Awakening

Back in October 2004, I attended a 10 day retreat on Lucid Dreaming in Kalani Hawaii. Kalani is a beautiful secluded tropical retreat on the south east side of the big island. The Lucidity Institute did an excellent job presenting information on lucid dreaming, and making the experience interesting and entertainning. I really enjoyed all the talks from the experts such as: Dr. Stephen LaBerge, Dominick Attisani, Dr. Fariba Bogzaran, and Keelin. The other people in the group were also fun to hangout with and hear about their experiences. I highly recommend this retreat to anyone interested in expanding their understanding and experiences with Lucid Dreaming. Below is information on the next retreat coming up:

The Lucidity Institute warmly invites you to join us for Dreaming and Awakening, a 9-1/2 day residential training program devoted to Lucid Dreaming, Consciousness, and Dream Yoga with Stephen LaBerge and friends, October 1-10, 2007, Kalani, Hawaii. Come explore the wondrous Land of Odd with us! Special rates offered for alumni, groups of three or more, kama’aina (residents of Hawaii), and early registrants. A few partial scholarships may also be available. For details see:
I inherited a 2 turn tables, and 6 crates of vinyl records from the skilled DJ Mano in 2006. Since then I have been mixing old dance, and hip hop records from the 90s. Sometimes I’ll get home from work on Friday evening, and blast the music I’m mixing on the 250 Watt speakers and amp it came with. I Open the windows, and give the neighbors a live 40 minute performance. I also record them on MP3s, and keep the good ones posted on the DJ Polar website. Feel free to download the mp3s, and sample my mixology:
DJ PolarSphere

Lucid Dreaming – A gift to our youth.

Wouldn’t it be great to have you own virtual reality holodeck? A place where you could have any experience you could imagine, and it would feel completely real. The experience you could learn from would be endless. You could live out your fantasies, do the impossible, face your fears, or explore other worlds. This holodeck would be a unforgettable gift for a lifetime of experiences.
What if I told you this room does exist, for a small few, who have mastered the ability of lucid dreaming, otherwise known as cognizant dreaming. These fortunate few have learned the skills and techniques required to have an enriched dream life which they use to enhance creativity, explore other worlds, and gain insight on their life. Most skilled dreamers learned the ability of lucid dreaming as a child. Anyone can learn how to have a lucid dream.

If you haven’t had a good lucid dream, but wish you had, it is most likely because when you were a child, nobody taught you how or why to dream. Now is your chance to teach a child you care about how to lucid dream. Talk to them about their dreams. Give them a dream journal. Show interest in their dream life.
Lucid Dreaming is a gift adults should give to children.
Give a child the potential to create their own world within.
To master the world within, teaches deep universal wisdom and inspires creativity.
To learn more about Lucid Dreaming, check out the DVD
Explorers of the Lucid Dream World:
Lucid Dream on ABC Good Morning America
On the first weekend of February 2007, ABC broadcasted a short segment about Lucid Dreaming which highlighted the fact that anyone can learn how to control their dreams. This short segment barely scratched surface of the tip of the ice burg on what lucid dreaming is about, but it is great to see the subject covered on a nation wide news channel. Hopefully this segment will inspire more people to learn about their dreams, and
explore this incredible state of consciousness.
Video of the segment titled “Control your dreams”:
ABC Good Morning America Article:
“Control Your Dreams with Lucid Dreaming”
About 1 week before that segment aired on ABC, I was contacted by the producer of Good Morning America Weekend. She requested to use footage from a documentary I directed called “ Explorers of the Lucid Dream World “. Of course I agreed, and some of the footage from the documentary was used during the segment.
“Explorers of the Lucid Dream World” DVD is an excellent resource for learning more about how to have a lucid dream. It includes interviews from world renowned dream researchers, such as Dr. Stephen LaBerge, who was also interviewed on the ABC Good Morning America Special mentioned above. You can obtain a copy of this DVD by visiting the official website:
Explorers of the Lucid Dream World DVD
The Bloginning
Sparks of consciousness fire in my brain, shooting an electrical signal to my hands which plug away at an inanimate keyboard. The letters fly from my fingers, forming words, sentances, paragraphs, thoughts, concepts, ideas. The potential of speach is infinate. I reach for the stars, and pull at the heavenly curtains which have opened the stage of life before me.
As your eyes pass over these strings of letters, the words form in your mind, creating a mirror of what I once wrote. The circle becomes complete, as the purpose of a blog, is for others to read what has been said.
At the dawn of 2007, This long awaitted blog has begun.