This workshop will include everything you need in order to have vivid, meaningful and lucid dreams in your life. It includes instructions on an effective technique that can be tried at home on your own. No previous experience required. Both beginners and advanced dreamers welcome. All you need is interest.
- 90 minute workshop that covers:
- Important dream recall information
- Sleep and dream science from Lucidity Institute
- How to maintain an on-going dream practice
- Examples, stories, metaphors, quotes
- 5 things you need to know to have a lucid dream
- Lucid dream powers, and dream examples
- Optional Follow-up meeting 1 week after to share dream experiences in a group. (7pm August 7th)
- Take home handout explaining step-by-step instructions on a lucid dream technique everyone in the group can try out.
- A DVD of “Explorers of the Lucid Dream World”
- Optional dream supplement that increases dream vividness or herbal dream tea mix.
- Meet other interested dreamers
Sunday 7:30pm July 31st 2011
Tickets Cost $15. RSVP.
Located in North Park at: Mystic Water Kava Bar
3811 Ray Street, San Diego, CA 92104
Discount Door and Windows (DDW) is a company that sells doors and windows below list price. I have been developing the E-commerce site that allows contractors and homeowners to select the options they want and buy all online. The site also includes a Learning Center where product information and Do-It-Yourself video tutorials empower customers to make good decisions and complete home-improvement projects. Customers are also given the option to get a pre-approved installer recommended to them to install the chosen product.
I have personally tried out the process by buying a retrofit vinyl window, and replacing an old aluminum window at my house. I followed the tutorial, and installed the new window successfully without any previous experience. It looks great, and the temperature difference in the room at nighttime is noticeable. I also felt a sense of accomplishment by doing the work myself. I highly recommend going through this process if you have old aluminum windows in your place or residence. Get started by measuring your old windows.
Discount Door and Window is a great resource for homeowners and contractors who are ready to replace old doors and windows. I will continue to add products and features to improve the overall value of the site.
Making dreams vivid and meaningful in your life is much like tending a garden. Imagine you have a piece of land. If you did not do anything with it, plants would still grow. There would be weeds, and the native plants that grow naturally. But if you took that same piece of land, and consciously plant seeds, you can harvest the dreams that nurture your spirit, and have a profound meaning you can remember for the rest of your life.
Dream Harvesting is a topic I sometimes talk about when I am doing a presentation on Dreaming. I most recently did this presentation at the 10 day “Dreaming and Awakening” retreat in Hawaii put on by the Lucidity Institute. I gave each participant a seed as a symbol for the potential of their future dreams. This presentation has been featured on June Lemos’s website: The L.U.C.I.D. Project ( Looking Up Characters In Dreams ). She is an avid lucid dreamer, and participated in the Lucid Dreaming retreat.
There are 4 steps to Dream Harvesting. The 1st step is learning about dreams, and setting your intention of what you want to experience. The 2nd step involves planting seeds, and preparing your bedroom for dreams. The 3rd step is called Dream Tending and involves recalling, and sharing dreams you experience. The 4th step of the cycle happens when you have a vivid and meaningful dream that you want to share and remember for the rest of your life. This is one of the most powerful gifts from the dream world.
Read more…
The Center for Infinite Health is a place for improving health and wellness on all levels. The practitioners offer a wide range of services from Eastern medicine, nutrition, and wellness coaching. Located in Santa Barbara California, I have been fortunate to work with the Founder LeAnne Keller Thomason on several projects including the development of the website:
A couple of times a year I do a presentation on Lucid Dreaming. It is often accompanied by a screening of the 12 minute documentary I made in 2004 called “Explorers of the Lucid Dream World.” During this presentation I try to convey as much useful information to the audience as possible. There are a few things that everyone should know about sleep and dreaming in order to become lucid. One of these things that everyone should know is when dreams occur.
After searching the internet for graphs and chart to use, and not finding one that clearly illustrates the sleep cycle, I decided to make my own, and offer it to others to view and re-use. To learn more about the Circadian rhythm and the Ultradian rhythm in regards to sleep and dreaming, take a look at the site I made:
A lot can be displayed in a One-minute video. You can see a window into someone’s life, a presentation of an idea, or a creative display of visual art. One minute is enough time to convey the mood, style, and concept of a much bigger project, without forcing the viewer to commit very much attention. That is why I support the upcoming Santa Barbara Minute Film Festival.
In the Summer of 2009, I heard about the idea from Betty Johnson who is spearheading the festival along with Grace Franco and Robyn Simms. The website was designed by Steve Cleary, who then gave me administrative control. Since then I have been an active member of the group, providing web maintenance and support as the film festival has gone through changes and growth.
I will also be submitting a couple of my own one-minute videos such as: Ultra Ping Pong 3000, Vote with your Dollars, and the Vehicle for the Soul Promotional Video. The deadline to turn in a one-minute video is April 1st 2010. If you have something you have to say in one minute, your contribution is welcome. Find out more at
(Update 2011: The Santa Barbara Minute website no longer exists)
Over the past few months the creative process has taken it’s course, and we have been guided through many challenges and accomplishments. We have filmed six interviews with experts, written a strong three part script, created a 3D animated and textured model of the interior of the human body, and edited together a 1 minute promotional video.
The message of the documentary has shifted and strengthened as we have learned more and refined the script. A strong emphasis is on engaging the audience visually, and mentally. It allows for audience participation, as we teach how to enter into a state called Heart Coherence.
The best is yet to come. For more information about our progress visit the Vehicle for the Soul website:
Bulb Media is now in full production of the documentary called: Vehicle for the Soul. The momentum has been building all year, and now we are finishing up the storyboards, starting on the 3D animation, and scheduling interviews with the experts. We have received overwhelming response from people who are interested in the project. In order to keep everyone informed about the progress, I have setup an E-mail subscription system.
If you subscribe, you will be E-mailed when we have something to share, or are announcing an up coming event. Each month we should have something new.
To sign up, visit the following site:
I am currently working on a short documentary project called “Vehicle for the Soul“. It will address specific advanced health and wellness topics that educate, entertain, and promote a strong mind-body connection.
The first episode is tentatively titled “Energy flow and Qi“. It is a short visual examination of the human body that uses 3d animation, formal interviews, and audience participation to display how energy flows in the body, and how to strengthen the mind-body connection.
I am excited to work on such an interested an ambitious project. I have a lot of work ahead, and many people to coordinate with. Contact me if you are interested in learning more or contributing.
Agile is a term users to describe a software development methodology. The terms was first used in 2000 by a group of developers who wrote the Agile Manifesto. Since then the term has gain a lot of popularity in the software industry.
As of this week, I am proud to announce the launch of the Agile Business Community. With educational videos, ongoing webcasts, hundreds of articles, forums, a monthly newsletter, and a social networking platform, it is the ultimate resource for software developers who are hungry for knowledge, interactivity, and fresh content.
This website re-design has been my primary focus for the past two months while working at CMC Media. I shared the workload with my co-worker Chris Pratt who is the founder of Metal Tome: Gateway to Shred. We built The Agile Business Community using Joomla 1.5 Content Management System. By holding daily meetings, occasional working late hours, and re-shaping our goals to adapt to unexpected changes and bugs, we incorporated agile techniques to develop a strong and reliable social networking site.
I usually go to at least 1 convention or festival per month. Places like: Comic Con, Siggraph, Telemagica, The ASD International Dream Conference, World Festival, Adams Avenue Street Fair, Summer Solstice Celebration, Lightning in a bottle. My favorite weekend event is Barcamp! I enjoy going to Barcamps, because it is a place for creative people to express there talents and learn from each other in an open source way. Anyone can show up and schedule to do a presentation on anything high tech or interesting.
Barcamp LA 6 was great! Props to the hosts for making the un-convention happen. There was a crowd of highly skilled developers using cutting edge technology. A lot of the presentations were very interesting.
There are Un-Conferences happening all over the world, at different times. and they are full of creative, self motivated, highly skilled people.
Barcamp San Diego 4 will be taking place November 15th & 16th 2008. I plan to do a presentation on Oneironauts or Explorers of the Dream World.
I highly recommend Barcamp to people like you, who read my blog. Visit to see upcoming events around the world.
Lucid Dreaming is on the frontier of inner exploration, and self discovery. Many people could benefit from its potential for personal growth, and raising mental awareness. The lessons that the dream world can teach us lead to wisdom, and better decision making in life.
Pursuing lucid dreaming is an act of introspection and self exploration. Everyone’s dream world is rich with themes and lessons that are universal for all people, but are presented in a way that applies to the dreamers personal life. By becoming lucid in a dream, the dreamer can consciously take part in the virtual world created by their mind.
Every decision the dreamer makes immediately effects the dream world, and the dreamer can experience the results of there thoughts and emotions as they play out. For example if a dreamer sees something dangerous and focuses on the fear they feel, the dream will become more scary. If the dreamer sees something dangerous and instead, focuses on curiosity while knowing that they are safe in a dream, the dream will shift and the dreamer can learn about what the dangerous situation actually represents in their life. Overcoming fear is just one of the many lessons lucid dreaming teaches.
I believe lucid dreaming is an important concept that our society needs to learn about and experience. That is why I promote lucid dreaming and encourage people to try it out. I have made a documentary DVD that can help you on your journey:
CMC Media is a web publishing company located in Santa Barbara California. CMC stands for Configuration Management Community. They primarily run two major website on the subject of Configuration Management (, and Agile Programming ( These websites are full of current articles, blogs, videos, webcasts, job listings, forums, and valuable resources for programmers, developers, and managers.
My responsibilities as the Online Content Manager is to keep the website updated and maintained, as well as continuously add new features to improve the function of the site. New content is constantly being added by companies and individuals who are promoting or discussing different aspects of Configuration Management. As the site grows, new features are implemented to streamline the work flow, and keep the site working optimally.
We are also working on a new community site called I will post more information about the development of this site, when it is ready.
Since the dawn of consciousness all sentient beings have been given the gift of choice. What we choose to do with our time makes us who we are, and how we influence the world around us. Those who are empowered with motivation, information, and resources are able to overcome apathy, and achieve life goals. This leads to a better life for themselves, and the people who are effected by there choices. Empower Thy Self .com is a website dedicated to providing people with the tools, skills, and resources needed to become empowered.
I am a member of Empower thy and find it to be useful for organizing my ideas, learning from others, and pursue my goals. It is important for us to work together, and create positive change in the world. The future of humanity rests in the hands of those who are empowered.
PostScript December 9th 2013:
Empower Thy Self website went down years ago and will not be coming back.
It is inevitable that your computer will break. It is just a question of when. What files would you lose, if you computer’s hard drive crashed right now?
nBackup is an automatic scheduled online data backup application. It is designed to copy all of your important files onto an encrypted server online. If you computer breaks or you need to access one of your files, you can log into nBackup and restore all or some of your files to any computer with an internet connection.
It is easier and cost less to sign up for an automatic backup service now, than to attempt to recover or remake your data once it is lost. nBackup is the simplest solution to protect your data from future unpredictable disasters.
To visit the old nBackup site I designed, visit the following link: