VoIP Telecomm Services

Voice over the Internet (commonly referred to as VoIP) is quickly becoming one of the defining changes in the Telecommunications Industry. This services uses your broad band internet connection to skip the local phone carrie, which enables you to make unlimited nationwide calling for a flat monthly fee. It also has a wide variety of features that are very customizable.

The Case for Voice-over-IP (“VoIP”)

As a General Contractor or Services Provider, you undoubtedly understand the importance of maximizing productivity and minimizing costs. Whether you are looking over a client site or meeting with a potential customer, you need to stay connected at all times. Moreover, you need easy, all-in-one access to your e-mails, voicemails, and other work documents. Lastly, incoming phone calls need to be handled professionally and promptly to maximize sales revenues. On top of everything, YOU are the decision-maker responsible for making sure the infrastructure is in place while at the same time controlling your monthly communications costs. With all that in mind, have you ever considered Voice-over-IP for your business needs?

Next Voice Digital Telephone Service

VoIP Residential Residental, or
Home Office
VoIP SoHo Corporate Office
VoIP Business


What is Voice-over-IP, anyway?

You may have heard the hype, but what exactly are the benefits of VoIP to you as a Small Business or Enterprise manager/owner? VoIP allows you to consolidate your telephone and data service onto a single network, enabling you to leverage your investment in IP across multiple communications streams. Moreover, the flexibility of IP has spawned a multitude of productivity-enhancing voice features and services (TRANSLATION: NO MORE ARCANE STAR CODES), resulting in increases in efficiency and efficacy. Your job gets easier too: you can manage your business from wherever you are with Mobility-enhancing features such as Find-Me, Follow-Me and Simultaneous Ring. And to top it all off, because you are using your company’s broadband connection for internal phone calls and high-quality, “one-hop” service to the Internet for external calls, VoIP will ultimately lower your phone bill.

What Are My Options?

If you’re a small business, you are most likely using a Key System, PBX, or Centrex services to fuel your company’s telephone needs. Either way, Hosted VoIP services can be an attractive alternative for your business. Key System, PBX, or Centrex Replacement If you’re interested in leveraging state-of-the-art technology to effect productivity enhancements and cost savings, consider Hosted VoIP Service. Unlike a Key System, Hosted VoIP Service requires minimal upfront capital expenses on your part, AND we offer far more features than most PBXs. Unlike Centrex, which is Business Phone Service hosted by your incumbent telephone company, Hosted VoIP Service provides you the ability to perform your own Moves/Adds/Changes, a savings of $50-100 per MAC. Unlike either a Key System or Centrex, Hosted VoIP Service enables you to take advantage of features previously available only to big companies, allowing you to project a “largerthan-life” image while still operating as a small company.

For information on Next Voice Digital Telephone Service, view this flash presentation, or visit the offical website: www.bulbmedia.com/oldsites/nsivoice.com/

Next Voice