When I Grow Up

When I grow up.
I want to live my dreams.
Dreams that I dream when I’m awake.
Dreams that I know that I can make.

When I grow up.
I want to be a doctor.
So I can save your life one day.
And make you awake so you can play.

When I grow up.
I want to be tall so all can see.
I want to talk clear so all can hear.
I want to be me so you can be you.
When I grow up I want to be true.

I want to be new.
So shiny and bright.
So sparkly it will bring day to your night.

When I grow up.
I want to inspire.
And learn how to spin, like I was on fire.
Twirling and whirling so bright and so free.
When I grow up I want to be me.

Now I’m grown up.
And I’ve seen many things.
I’ve been many mees and crossed many seas.

But now I’m grown up.
There’s one thing that I know.
I’ll never grow up.
Cause I’ll never let go.

Of when I was a kid.
And I played and I played.
And and I looked up to others.
Because they knew their ways.

Now as I look back.
As to who I am now.
I lift up my chin.
I lift it up proud.

Cause I have spent time.
And gone many miles.
But as I look back.
I remain a child.

With so much to learn and more to explore.
One day I’ll grow up.
But now I want more.

One day I’ll grow up.
Or maybe I won’t.

Because grown ups are dumb.
So today I’ll be young.

written, directed, and edited by:
Teddy Saunders

Posted in: Poems July 20th, 2012

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