Do you believe in love?
The clouds laid low
The fog obstructed my vision
I couldn’t see for days
Unclear of my mission
I was Blinded by these fears
I prayed to be
Blessed and
Purified through these tears
I lift my head
I begin anew
Me and you
My choice to stay open to love
A promise to myself
With help from above
To carry with me the courage of the lion
The strength of a dragon
To keep this heart open
No matter what happens
I choose to believe in love
Love is all we have
Love is why we are here
Love IS my mission
Today it is clear
I choose to have hope in us
Hope in all mankind
To conquer this fear
To awaken the blind
I know if we can do this together
Hand in hand
We can change this forever
Peace and harmony
Will ring upon this land
It starts right here
Right now
With you and me
A new earth will rise out of these ashes
We will be free
Do you believe in love?
Do you believe in us?
Do you have faith?
Do you have trust?
Poem by Natalie Frost