Join the E-mailing List

Stay involved about upcoming events, important information and progress by subscribing your E-mail address to our newsletter. You will be sent an occasional e-mail only when we have something new and interesting to share. You will also receive an E-mail when the project is complete and available to be viewed.

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Privacy Notice: You will be able to unsubscribe easily at any time if you no longer want to receive E-mails from us.


Join the Production Group

We are always looking for talented and enthusiastic individuals who want to take part in the creative and production process. We have monthly meetings on the 3rd Sunday of each month to discuss recent developments, and future goals. We also have a private google group where member exchange information and stay connected. If you are interested in learning more, and possibly joining the group we would like to hear from you. We want to work with all different types of creative people, but are particularly looking for those who can help out in the following areas of specialty:

  • Editor - Final Cut Pro or After Effects
  • 3D animator using Maya
  • Camera Man / Interview Cinematographer
  • Production Assistant
  • Writer or Creative Partner
  • Producer
  • Executive Producer or Investor
  • Mentor or Project Adviser
  • Marketing Consultant

This documentary project is driven by passion, creativity and a desire to make a difference in people's lives. Contact us to discuss any of this in more detail.